Medication Refill Request

To have medications refilled, please have your pharmacy call our office at 704-865-0077. This is the fastest and most efficient way to have medications refilled.

Please note:

  • Our office requires 24 hours' notice to refill medications.
  • Medications will only be refilled during normal business hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • No medications will be refilled during holidays or by the on-call physician.
  • Once your medication refill has been processed, it will be called in or faxed to your pharmacy. Please call your pharmacy to check on your refill.
  • If there is a problem refilling your medication, you will be contacted by phone.
  • If your medication request is an emergency, please ask to be transferred to our nursing triage office. Pain medication is not considered an emergency.