The Hand Center at Carolina Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Center is designed to provide our hand and wrist patients comprehensive education and exceptional care through the combined knowledge, experience, and expertise of our specialty-trained surgeon.
Welcome to Our Hand Center
Working exclusively with the hand and wrist, our specialty-trained surgeon integrates all aspects of specialized care by utilizing his knowledge, experience, and expertise as the foundation of our Hand Center at Carolina Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Center.
Our fellowship-trained hand and upper extemity surgeon, Dr. Parag Phadke, has advanced training in the hand and wrist, and with his commitment to continued education through attending courses, lecturing, writing, and actively learning the newest procedures and techniques, he is one of the most highly skilled hand and wrist surgeons in the area.
Patient Consultation
The Hand Center at Carolina Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Center provides our hand and wrist patients access to consultation Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Prior to your consultation, new patients will be asked to complete forms, which include medical history, demographics, and insurance information. This information, along with any current diagnostic imaging (X-ray, CT, MRI), will be utilized by your doctor to help in your diagnosis and treatment plan.
To schedule an appointment with our Hand Center doctor, please call 704-865-0077 or request an appointment online.
World-Class Hand & Wrist Care Begins Here
- Parag M. Phadke, MD